+91-9810933308, 011-22142079 011-41553222, +91-8287934170
+91-9810933308 , 01122142079, 011-41553222 ,+91-8287934170
Bone Densitometry test, also called Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA Scan) that is used for examining the bone mineral density in specific targeted areas or whole body. It’s a non-invasive medical test that helps the physicians diagnose the condition of osteopenia and osteoporosis and to treat them. The Test is very much helpful in detecting osteopenia or osteoporosis in post-menopausal woman and older population. You can book your appointment at Arun Imaging for the Bone Densitometry Test. In Delhi, we have experienced people to deal with the patients calmly.
During the Bone Density Scan, your doctor will tell you to wear a loose gown and lie down on your back on a padded table in a comfortable position, so, the machine can perform Bone densitometry test of your bones. We have a proper set-up made with advanced technology to complete the procedure under the expert vigilance. Also, the Bone Densitometry Test Cost is not so high and get performed under the expert surveillance at our own lab.